Here at Judge Opticians we are proud to offer cutting edge technology in our Ocular Coherence Tomography test. We use the Topcon state of the art 3D OCT camera( which is a hospital grade scanner). Your optometrist will take various 3D images of the eye and cross sections of your retinas. This helps to detect and monitor various sight changing issues before they become a problem. With this information we are able to send information straight through to specialists ensuring earlier referral for treatment should the need arise.

The scan itself is a painless non invasive process the software itself also records even the subtlest of changes to your eye health. The scan uses light waves to illustrate the various sections of the eye and to record your eye health for ongoing monitoring of your eyes.

Health conditions identified through regular OCT screening

Age related macular degeneration
Macular Holes
Vitreous Detachment